The ASEMS Transfer Program (ASEMS-T) provides targeted services specifically for community college transfer students. ASEMS-T is designed to assist students studying a science or engineering major in successfully obtaining a bachelor’s degree. To achieve this goal, the program offers support from the time that students enter the program through graduation.
ASEMS-T is for students majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) in the College of Science or the College of Engineering, and transferring from a community college. This includes all Engineering majors, and the following College of Science majors: Applied Physics; Artificial Intelligence; Astronomy; Biochemistry; Bioinformatics; Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Ecology & Environmental Biology; Geosciences; Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences; Mathematics; Molecular & Cellular Biology; Neuroscience; Neuroscience & Cognitive Science; Physics; Planetary Geoscience; Psychological Sciences (BS); Speech Language, and Hearing Sciences; Statistics and Data Science.
If you are a College of Science major, please contact Zcheecid Aguirre (
If you are a College of Engineering major, please contact Roshan Price (