Mission and Vision

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Arizona's Science, Engineering, and Math Scholars (ASEMS) program provides services to support students in graduating with a STEM major. This program focuses on promising students who are the first in their family to attend college, from low-income households, who transferred from a community college, and who are from communities underrepresented in STEM. Click Here to Read More!


ASEMS fosters a culture of inclusive excellence at the University of Arizona by empowering STEM students with the tools necessary to succeed while recognizing their unique backgrounds and assets.

ASEMS vision is a university culture of inclusive excellence where all students have the opportunity to succeed in STEM majors and careers.

The goals of the ASEMS program are:

  • To identify, serve, and retain promising students in STEM degree fields from underserved populations who are: first generation college students, from low-income households, have disabilities, transfers from community colleges, and / or from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM.
  • To support students in forming an identity as a scientist or engineer through the early exploration of STEM careers
  • To foster the development of communication skills and confidence necessary to build a professional network of STEM faculty, mentors, and peers.
  • To teach students the skill-sets and strategies required to be competitive academically and professionally in STEM fields.