The ASEMS Scholar Training Academy for Research in STEM (STARS) is a year-round undergraduate research and mentoring program for ASEMS students who have interest in pursuing a doctoral degree (PhD), Master’s degree (MS, MA, MPH, etc.), or professional degree (MD, DVM, DO, etc.). Funded through a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, ASEMS STARS recruits students in the STEM fields, supports the development of skills necessary to excel in their academic studies, and provides assistance in gaining admission to an advanced degree program.
- STARS is available for ASEMS rising junior or senior students who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree (Master’s, PhD) or professional degree (MD, DVM, DO, etc). The minimum cumulative GPA is 3.0.
- First Fall: Applications are due in mid-November.
- Spring: Accepted students must enroll in EDL 396B: Topics in Educational Leadership (3 units).
- Summer: Students are enrolled in two 3-unit courses: GRAD 495: Professional Writing and GRAD 492: Directed Research. As part of GRAD 492, students will work with a UArizona faculty mentor on a small-scale research project in their field of study. Students also complete GRE preparation workshops and are highly encouraged to take the GRE during this term. Students are paid a $6,000 summer research stipend and summer tuition (6 units total) and registration fees are waived.
- Second Fall: Students must enroll in GRAD 496A: The Application Process (1 unit).
- Second Spring: Students must enroll in GRAD 496B: Surviving Graduate/Professional School (1 unit).
Please contact Leah Callovini (